أكد الحاخام اليهودي 'مردخاي فرومار' للمستمعين في أحد المعابد اليهودية أنه يمتلك حلاً سحريًا للصراع العربي الصهيوني، معتبرًا أن هذا الحل سيؤدي في حال تنفيذه إلى إنهاء الصراع الصهيوني مع الإسلام تمامًا.
وأعلن الحاخام لوسائل الإعلام التي لاحقته، أن لديه في الواقع ثلاثة حلول لإنهاء الصراع 'الإسرائيلي' مع المسلمين, ولكن الحل الأقرب إلى قلبه وعقله هو: أن تبذل الدوائر الصهيونية في 'إسرائيل' والعالم كله قصارى جهدها من أجل علمنة المجتمع الإسلامي كله بحيث يتم القضاء نهائيًا على كل أسس وتعاليم وتاريخ الإسلام على أن يتم ذلك عن طريق نشر فنون الجنس والإباحية ونشر ثقافة الدعارة في أوساط المسلمين.
وأشار إلى أن جميع هذه الوسائل ستؤدي إلي نزع الإسلام من صدور المسلمين وتحويلهم إلى مجتمعات علمانية بحته لن تبحث أبدًا خلف مقدساتها الإسلامية.
وأضاف أنهم سيسارعون حينذاك إلى بناء علاقات قوية مع 'إسرائيل' وأمريكا والغرب من أجل الحصول على أحدث التقنيات الجنسية, وعلينا حينذاك أن نستخدم الإنترنت بشكل أكبر من أجل ترويج الأفلام والفنون الجنسية التي تسيطر على حماس شباب المسلمين حتى يصبحوا أكثر اقترابًا من الغرب ويبتعدوا تمامًا عن ثقافتهم الإسلامية.
ومن الحلول ايضا هذا البرنامج
برنامج يحميك من المواقع الجنسية
نسخة من الموضوع باللغة الانجليزية :
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This address, sexual blatant and ugly is looking for hundreds of Arab youths, regrettably, but there are many reasons why young people in the Arab walking this difficult path and ugly Snzla But before that confirm that hundreds or even thousands of sex sites and sex sites and sexy arab arab sexy and sex pictures and videos sex and ugly sex movies produced and distributed by the Zionist institutions and Western and are published for the destruction of the Arab and Muslim young people and these institutions have an annual plan and the outline of a long-term understanding of planning in the long deployment of the annual specific rate of film clips of sexual and gender-Example
Published in 2005 and 2000 sites sexual gross
In 2006, bringing the site for 8000 Gencer, such as sexy arab arab sexy
In 2007 up to 2000 a number of site sexual sex positions sexy arab arab sexy
This is an example and not exclusively
This happens with films of sexual and sexual passages, and so on
Group paid wages on youtube for the dissemination of obscene sections:
It is obvious things are also a specialized channels Youtube Youtube site to raise and deploy thousands of explicit sexual and sections aimed at young Arabs, and the directory it is using Arab names, and put links to clips of the names Arab and not a foreign, including "Sex and Gadis Mklarip and dramatic scenes and sex scenes hot dance dance hardcore films banned clips banned movies and hot and so "
The question is how to channel foreign owner, and foreign countries, raising the videos targeting Arabs and the Arabs and the names of Iergaha This reveals the plot
Jewish rabbi calls for the dissemination of pornography among Muslims
Under this headline, news came to say:
Said Rabbi 'Mordechai Var' of listeners in one of the synagogues, he has the magic solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, believing that such a solution would, if implemented, to end the Zionist conflict with Islam altogether.
Rabbi announced to the media that dogged, that has in fact three solutions to end the conflict 'Israeli' with Muslims, but the solution closest to his heart and his mind is: to make Zionist circles in 'Israel' and the entire world every effort to secularize the Muslim community so as to eradicate all once and for all the foundations and teachings and the history of Islam that is done through the publication of Arts sex and pornography and a culture of prostitution among Muslims.
He pointed out that all these methods will lead to the disarmament of Islam from the Muslims and turn them into a purely secular societies will never looking behind the Islamic sanctities.
"They then will rush to build strong relationships with the 'Israel', America and the West in order to obtain the latest sexual techniques, and we then can use the Internet more to promote the film and arts sex on the Hamas-controlled young Muslims to become closer to the West and get away completely from their Islamic culture.
This is what an Israeli rabbi to teach all the young Arab and Muslim world that see these sites and these films are not guilty, but a betrayal of the Muslims and the implementation of the Zionist conspiracy
Google and sites arab sexy tube
Entering on Google will find that the word arab relating to the outcome 90 percent of sites and YouTube clips sexual and so-called explicit sex sites, sex, sexy tube
Anda and I will help my links, so as not to spread this corruption issue, but as everyone knows is known and available on the net, but the witness is a link word in English, the Arab arab sex and porn sites and this is degrading and dangerous unfortunately
Campaigns against sex and porn
Because the nation is fine and young people, many of whom are well and thank God, there are a lot of awareness campaigns and campaigns against the sexual and porn sites and such campaigns is not pornographic they initiated a group of young Arab on the net and you link to the campaign
Solution is also the program
Program to protect you from sex sites
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